Tip Calculator

Use the simple, easy to use percentage calculator for human beings.

Tip Calculation Guide

Our Tip Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help you quickly calculate the appropriate tip amount for your bill. Whether you're dining out, getting a haircut, or using any service where tipping is customary, this calculator makes it easy to determine fair compensation for good service.

How to Calculate a Tip

  1. Enter the total bill amount in the "Bill Amount" field.
  2. Select a tip percentage from the dropdown menu, or choose "Custom Percentage" to enter your own.
  3. If you selected "Custom Percentage," enter your desired tip percentage in the new field that appears.
  4. Click the "Calculate Tip" button.
  5. The calculator will display the tip amount and the total bill (including tip).


Q: What is a typical tip percentage?

A: In many countries, including the United States, a typical tip ranges from 15% to 20% of the bill amount for good service. However, tipping customs can vary by country and type of service.

Q: Should I tip on the pre-tax or post-tax amount?

A: This is a matter of personal preference. Many people choose to tip on the pre-tax amount, but tipping on the total bill (including tax) is also common and appreciated by service workers.

Q: When should I use the custom tip percentage option?

A: Use the custom tip percentage when you want to tip an amount not listed in the preset options. This could be for exceptional service (higher percentage) or for services with different tipping norms.

Q: Is it okay to tip less than 15%?

A: While tipping is often discretionary, in countries where tipping is customary, 15% is often considered the minimum for satisfactory service in restaurants. Tipping less may be appropriate for poor service or in countries with different tipping cultures.

Q: Should I always use a tip calculator?

A: A tip calculator is a helpful tool, especially for quickly calculating tips on large bills or when splitting the check. However, it's also good to practice mental math for calculating tips in everyday situations.

Remember, while this calculator provides a guide, tipping is often a personal decision based on the quality of service and local customs.