Exams, Grades & Marks Calculator

Use the simple, easy to use percentage calculator for human beings.

    Grades Calculations Guide

    Our Grades Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help students and educators quickly calculate average grades and determine the corresponding letter grade. This calculator allows you to input multiple grades, view them in a list, and calculate the overall average.

    How to Use the Grades Calculator

    1. Enter a grade (0-100) in the input field.
    2. Click the "Add Grade" button to add the grade to the list.
    3. Repeat steps 1-2 for all grades you want to include.
    4. To remove a grade, click the "Remove" button next to the grade in the list.
    5. Once all grades are entered, click the "Calculate Average" button.
    6. The calculator will display the number of grades, average grade, and corresponding letter grade.


    Q: What grade scale does this calculator use?

    A: The calculator uses a standard 100-point scale and converts the average to a letter grade as follows:
    A: 90-100
    B: 80-89
    C: 70-79
    D: 60-69
    F: 0-59

    Q: Can I enter grades with decimals?

    A: Yes, you can enter grades with decimals (e.g., 85.5) for more precise calculations.

    Q: Is there a limit to how many grades I can enter?

    A: There is no set limit to the number of grades you can enter. However, for very large numbers of grades, you may want to consider using a more advanced tool or spreadsheet for better performance.

    Q: Does this calculator account for weighted grades?

    A: No, this basic version of the calculator treats all entered grades equally. For weighted grades, you would need a more advanced calculator that allows you to input grade weights.

    Q: Can I save my entered grades for later?

    A: This basic version does not include a save feature. The grades are stored temporarily in your browser's memory and will be lost if you refresh the page or close the browser.

    Remember, while this calculator provides a helpful tool for grade calculations, always refer to your school's specific grading policies and scale, as they may differ from the standard scale used here.